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재미티베트인 중국대사관밖 시위 본문


재미티베트인 중국대사관밖 시위

AziMong 2008. 3. 18. 07:13

재미티베트인 중국대사관밖 시위0112> (AP)

연합뉴스 | 기사입력 2008.03.16 11:42 | 최종수정 2008.03.16 11:42

< yonhapPHOTO-0112 > Sonam Chhokey, right, turns her prayer wheel, as she joins a protest by ethnic Tibetans in front of the Chinese embassy in Washington, over a crackdown by Chinese troops on demonstrations by Buddhist monks in Tibet, Saturday, March 15, 2008 in Washington. on the left is Choedon Pontsang. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)/2008-03-16 07:55:17/

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